• Assistant engineer
• D3.js
• Bootstrap
• Firebase
• Website programming
(a 3-person group project)
Currently, flights across the globe have been significantly reduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the extended quarantine measures (for inbound passengers) in many countries, people are unable to travel overseas or even domestically. We envision that airline industry will exponentially boom when quarantine is lifted and flights resumed.
Our web app will provide more information to travelers about the planes within commercial airline (Delta, American Airlines, etc.) fleets and which ones are the most comfortable. We also provide an easy-to-access data source for Aviation Enthusiasts and flight simulator gamers.
This AeroView website is designed for aviation enthusiasts, now built with React framework. Users can view technical performance data of civil airplanes. Use filter and option button to fine-tune airplane and metadata selection, and go to comparison page to compare performance data's difference across planes.
• Design the site's appearance and fine-tune its style.
• Implement runway validation and user's note-taking modules in the airplane's detail page.
• Actively collaborate with the project group on website's programming and stability improvements.

Wikipedia collects technical specifications for airplane models, but it shows data for each model on standalone pages, so it is difficult to compare multiple airplane models in an intuitive way. Since different Wikipedia entries may be maintained by various people, the format of data visualization/presentation is not consistent, such as Airbus A380 Specification section and Boeing 787 Specification section.
Aviationstack is just an API for developers; it does not provide a visual representation of the data.
Many websites that present a electronic device offer a visually-appealing comparison page, and user can compare technical performance data across different models.
Most noticeably: Intel ARK processor comparison page and Apple iPhone comparison page.
This website is build from:
- React framework
- ReactStrap framework (a BootStrap implementation)
- D3.js
- Font Awesome library
- Firebase (for user-data storage)
- React Autosuggest
- SunEditor
To further improve this AeroView.site, here are some additional features group members are considering:
- A private photo album for airplanes: users (when logged in) can upload pictures of an airplane.
- Pop Quiz: randomly choose a curated image, users can guess which airplane model that picture shows.
- Airport Log: Users can add airports that will be marked on a world map, and geotag uploaded pictures to display them on a map.
- An Yelp for airplanes: Users write reviews of airplane experience, including content moderation for website admins.
- Data Customization: Since all technical data is gathered from the best available source, users may need to “fine-tune” the data. Hence the user can modify the value when logged in, and the customized value will persist in this user account.